
Senin, 03 Maret 2014

11 Quick Ways to Raise Healthy Way Agency, Natural and Fast

Average Indonesian people have a height that is not ideal because it is influenced by heredity or genetics of the parents , women have an average height of about ± 150 cm and 170 cm ± guy . Even some daeerah in Indonesia , unisex someone who has a height below average in general . Many people do a variety of ways in order to elevate the body and has a height quickly . Height generally will continue to grow as a person enters adolescence ages ranging from toddlers to teens went 1-21 that year . When entering adolescence is the age of 17 years could still grow in height . At that age , height can grow quickly and naturally .To help elevate the body quickly . There are several ways you can do , especially to help the growth of the bones of the body , namely :
1 . High calcium milk drink .Milk contains calcium which is high enough to help merergenerasi and flexing the bones of the body to be able to grow . Lots containing high calcium milk with various brands . By consuming milk containing high calcium daily routine can help bone growth and height .
2 . Familiarize healthy lifestylesSomeone who has a less than ideal height can also be influenced by the style or a healthy lifestyle . One example , someone who has a bent body will affect the height will decrease . A healthy lifestyle does not only affect the healthy state of the body , but can support height . Consumption of foods , drinks and other nutrient sources especially those containing calcium and vitamin D are very good for the bones .
3 . Rest is Enough .Agency or body also needs adequate rest to recover and restore stamina . Quality proper rest will help to elevate the body .
4 . Vegetable Protein ConsumptionVegetable protein helps make the higher body . You can use soy as a way to get protein . You can also use soy milk, tofu and tempeh so that the muscles can continue to grow .
5 . Consumption of animal proteinAnimal protein such as chicken , beef , etc. can help your muscles to grow . Animal Protein gives you plenty of protein needed for muscle growth . You can also eat eggs that are rich in nutrients like calcium , vitamin D and protein .
6 . sportTo get the height, one also needs to do some type of exercise such as swimming , basketball and some other types of olaharaga . by doing regular exercise can help to shape and stimulate the bones of the body to form the body's cells .
7 . skippingWhen jumping , the activity improves blood circulation and helps the muscles of the lower body to grow .
8 . vertical hangingHolding on a high pole and swinging can help increase your height . By the way can also be hung on the tree , as long as careful course .
9 . vertical StretchStand upright and close the legs , raise your arms over your head and try to stretch as far as you can as if the body is pulled . It helps all the muscles in your body to stretch and grow .
10 . Kicking exerciseKicking is important to exercise self-defense . Now put the horses and start kicking drills as fast as possible . It helps the bottom of your feet can grow . Well it was counted to let me be kicking martial toned :)
11 . Yoga cobra positionTry to be like a cobra raises its head . In the state of his stomach , lifting half your body . It akanmembantu muscles stretch your upper body so that it grows longer . Perform routine for maximum results and satisfactory .
Factors that influence heightHave ideal height is everyone's dream . Many people do make her way to high but added a different height for each person depending on the work done and it could be due to factors that influence height . But in many ways essentially elevate the body .
Here are the factors that influence height , including the :

Enough nutrition . Consider the adequacy of protein , fat , vitamins such as vitamins A and D , and minerals such as iron , calcium , zinc and iodine . Since it is very influential to elevate the body .
Heredity is also a factor of a person's height . Parents have the ideal height that their child may have a high body as well .
Growth hormone stimulates bone growth serviceable . Thyroid hormone is needed to expedite the process of metabolism in the body . Sex hormones , which consists of the hormones estrogen , progesterone and androgen function in the process of sexual maturation .
Support also affects the environment because of lack of immunization , economic necessity can affect appetite . So the process of elevation of the body is inhibited.

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